Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Rusty, Ruby & the kitties

This afternoon I let Ruby out. I saw Rusty's ball sitting in the recliner, so I grabbed that and went to get him. He was in his chair in the front room, as always. He popped up when he saw I had that red circle in my hand! Rusty, Ruby and I all headed outside. Ruby sat by me for a few back scratches, then she kept wanting to go in. I had closed their door, so that she'd stay out and do her business. After she realized she couldn't go in, she went around the side of the house and went potty like a good girl. Rusty was having fun rolling in the grass and exploring. The big kids in the pasture were entertaining today as well! They were wrestling around with each other. Haha. Later on, I let the pups back in and made sure they had plenty of water.

Butler & Eddie

This afternoon I let the boys out of their beds, and they both headed right outside. I got them some fresh water, then went to join them. They boys ran over to say hi. Eddie heard a noise and took off to go investigate, while Butler stayed and gave me kisses. The boys spent plenty of time basking in the sun on the patio. Eddie was roaming in and out of the house this afternoon, probably getting a drink to cool off from the hot day. When it was time, we headed in and the boys went back to their houses. Butler took a little convincing of course! Haha.

Sadi & Stormy

This morning Stormy came in and brushed up against my legs as I was in the kitchen. She walked back and forth between me and the dining table. When I was finished getting their food ready, she meowed loudly at me from the living room, then followed along right away. Sadi was sitting in the food room already, just relaxing. I put the food down, then took her to get her meds. Afterwards, she nibbled on some food for a couple minutes. I took her out to our spot for some brush time. Stormy was all ready to play! I barely got the feather toy out before she started tackling it! She was more interested in her shoe string today, but still went for the occasional pounce on the feather toy. This evening, I didn't see Stormy, so she must have been out on the patio. Sadi was awake, but lounging in her bed. I brought her to her spot for her evening meds. She kept trying to turn around and sneak away on me tonight! Haha.


This afternoon Oscar was a happy boy as usual! He danced his way over to the back door, happy to see me. We headed outside, and it didn't take him long to find a cozy spot in the grass to lay under the warm sun. He made sure to roll around in the grass too! He moved around to a few different spots. One time, I got up and sat at the edge of the patio, and he came running over. After some heiny and back scratches, he plopped down next to me. When we both were starting to get a little toasty, we got up and sat in the shade awhile. It was a nice day for Oscar to lounge around outside! When we went in, he went through several tricks for me for bites of his favorite pupperoni.