This morning I came in and let Ruby out of her bed. She raced to the back door to wait for me. Rusty was making his way to follow us. The pups did their thing. Ruby was leaping and bounding back to the door, ready to eat. They both ate their breakfast for me and Rusty got his meds. Salem also got her medicine, after some pets of course. I filled her dishes and scooped her box. The turtles got their fresh food and water. Ruby settled down with a rawhide in the front room, while Rusty snoozed in his chair. I put Ruby back in her bed when it was time. This afternoon Rusty was already out back when I arrived. He came in with me to get Miss Ruby. The pups and I hung outside awhile since it was another nice afternoon. I tried to get Rusty to play some fetch with me, but there was only the full red ball out back. It wasn't his favorite, so after a couple throws he was done. I tried to help him find his favorite ball, but we had no luck. This evening I had the pups come outside for a potty break before dinner. They both ate well for me. Next, I went to visit Salem a bit. She was happy to get some attention and told me stories while she got her pets. I gave her her last dose of medicine in the pen, then scooped her box and filled her water up. She got a few more pets before I went back by the pups. They were both snoozing already, Rusty in his chair and Ruby in her bed in the corner.