Today Patches met me at the door and walked me to the kitchen. He tried to take bites from all the plates while I was getting the food out! Clovis and Snickers went outside to eat. When Snickers finished he took off around front again. I went out to look for him and couldn't see him anywhere, but then heard him meow at me. He was sitting on thr roof! I got him to come down but instead of running in the house he ran around back again. I opened the door for him to go in, but naughty Patches wouldn't let him! I finally got him in once Patches would leave him be. With all my running around Patches got a little spunky and decided to go for a run too! He ran to the back of the yard, then around to the front and back again as fast as he could! It was pretty funny. I went in and turned the sink on for Clovis for awhile. Patches snuggled up with me until it was time to go.
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