Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie

The pups were ready to come inside tonight. After I gave the boys their meds, everyone settled down. Buddy had some supper while Jimmy and Sugar ran along the couch and pushed all the pillows off! I think Jimmy was hoping for a rawhide in there, but no such luck. He went and grabbed one out of the basket instead. Sugar rolled around on the couch for awhile, and suddenly was filled with all this energy! She wanted to go outside, and when she got out, started tearing around the backyard as fast as she could! She came back in and rubbed her face all over my arm and pawed at me playfully. Jimmy was content the whole time chewing on his rawhide. I gave them all a treat and put them to bed for the night.

Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie

I let the little ones outside right away today. Sugar hid under the bed for a few minutes like usual, then came to the door wanting to join us. It is so nice out! They all appreciated the sun being out. Jimmy curled up by the side of the house, and Sugar sat with me on the patio. Buddy was off searching all over the yard for his critters! Later he came and sprawled out in the sun on the patio too. I left them out for the afternoon to enjoy the beautiful weather!


Jerrie was already waiting for me at the front door yesterday. He followed me around again a little while I took care of his things. Yesterday I caught him on the counter eating the leaves off of one of the plants! It was the one in the little basket that he was after. I scooted him down off the counter as soon as I saw him. Naughty boy! We went into the office and he rolled around on the floor while I pet him. He played with the little toy on the kitty tunnel with me. Today I found Jerrie soaking up some sun on the top of his kitty tree. I moved all the plants into the other laundry room. I left the door to the garage open a crack so I could get through easier with the bigger ones. When I was coming back, I saw a little paw sticking through trying to open the door! He sat and waited for me in the kitchen, giving me the "Are you gonna pet me now?" look. When I finished vacuuming and cleaning his litter pan, I spent the rest of the time giving him his attention.