This afternoon the girls were waiting at the fence again. I had to call them when I went out back since they must have still been waiting by the gate. It was so nice out, so we spent most of our time outside. The girls both jumped up and gave me kisses. We went and sat over in the grass to soak up some of the nice warm sun. Sophie rolled around in the grass and flopped herself across my lap! Roxy came and jumped in at the same time and got ne with her kisses. They both sprawled out in the grass until the neighbor dogs came out. Then they got up to go say hi! Every time I got up the girls ran to the door, so we headed inside for awhile. They each claimed their spot, Sophie on the couch And Roxy in the chair. I could tell Roxy wanted to play with her light, as she kept sharply turning her head and looking for it! When it was time, we went back out and they got a big bone treat to work on! I fed the fish as I was leaving. Its fun to watch them all swim to the top to get their food!
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