This morning I gave the pups their breakfast right away. They were so eager to eat, like usual. It only took a minute for them to chow down. Once they were done, they both followed me to the living room and joined me on the couch. Oliver squished next to me and May climbed up on my lap. They fell asleep on me while I was petting them. I even almost fell asleep myself, they were so warm! This afternoon I gave them both a treat for no reason. They took them and scuttled off to eat them up. They came back and Oliver climbed just his upper torso on the couch and started licking my face and making me laugh. May wanted to snuggle with me again. She would put her front paws up on the couch and paw at my hand like "Can I come up, please?" She was too cute. This evening, the pups pranced around me as I prepared their dinner. They raced me to the hallway and started chowing down. After that, they were being so goofy! Oliver was sitting beside me and kept sticking his nose in my hair, while May nearly flew onto my lap and started nudging my hand to pet her. They got excited for snuggle time.