This morning I couldn't see Flax on his bed when I pulled up. I headed into the garage and found him laying in the shade. I filled his bowl and he started nibbling right away, so I went to see kitty. He was hungry! He raced all the way to the bowl and danced around while I filled it. He got a couple bites, then hopped down and started rolling around. I saw Flax wander out of the garage and head towards us. I went over to Flax and we sat in the driveway. He was happy for some attention again. He pawed at me to keep petting him. This evening Flax was laying in the garage. It was a very nice day out! He sat right up and started barking when I pulled up. I got him his canned food, fresh water, then went to check on kitty. He must have heard me coming too, since I nearly plowed him over with the door! He got out of the way quick enough though. I went and visited with Flax for a bit. He was pretty sleepy tonight. Later, I went to give kitty some more attention since he didn't get any this morning. He was meowing and talking to me like crazy! Its funny... he sure knows what line not to cross, where Flax is boss. Kitty went to investigate the pool, but would not cross the concrete to follow me.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Susie & Frank Fritz
This morning I fed the kiddos breakfast. I noticed the white bowl I put out was missing, so I started to look around the yard for it. Frank was interested in what I was doing, so he kept running to grab a bite, then would follow me. He didn't want to miss out on anything! I finally found the bowl under the grill. Since that idea didn't work, I just returned the bowl to the house. After they finished their breakfast, it was time to play! Frank started wrestling around with Susie. This time, she was giving him a taste of his own medicine! When he was done rough-housing, she instigated a round. Needless to say, she was winning! Haha! They played until a helicopter flew by. They heard it, stopped what they were doing, and just stared curiously until it passed. Frank had fun chasing after a big bumble bee that flew by next! This evening Frank knew I was there, getting their dinner ready. He started pawing at the door. Tonight they both ate pretty quickly. Frank came over for some attention. He doesn't jump so much once he settles down a little. He just wants so much love! He and Susie did some wrestling. Frank made me laugh when he poked his head through the railing to spy on Susie. He was watching her walk around the yard, and was getting into that pouncing stance! I got them each a treat to work on. After Susie finished hers, she came to say hi while Frank was occupied. When he came running over, Susie went and found a spot in the shade to relax.
Oreo & Stuffs
Today Oreo was in his spot by the door waiting for me. He gave me a meow hello. I saw Stuffs sitting up on the stairs as well. He made his way down, while Oreo followed me around the house. Oreo was as attached to my legs as he could be. I nearly tripped on him several times! Haha! He got to work on his food while I got them some fresh water. He started in on Stuffs' portion next, so I tried to stop him. Luckily, all I had to do was walk out of the kitchen! Oreo followed me while I gave the plants a drink. He kept meowing at me like, "Hey, aren't you going to pet me now?!" I stayed with them for a longer visit today. All three of us headed to the living room. Stuffs hopped up on the tv stand again. Today he wasn't only watching the birds though. He was entertained by watching us! Oreo got some chin scratches and some play time in too. Stuffs didn't want to come down by us, but I made sure to give him a few chin scratches before I left. Oreo and I sure had fun today!
Jerrie & Kimmie
Kimmie wasn't in her usual spot when I arrived today, so I went right next door to say hi. When I came back I still didn't see her, so I quickly refreshed their items. I called for her, then she appeared in the doorway and followed me to their water bowl in the bathroom. She waited while I did that, then came along with me to see Jerrie. Kimmie crawled under the curtain and sat in her window. Jerrie came down and enjoyed his brush time. I would brush him, and sometimes he would brush himself while I held it. He likes rubbing his chin on the bristles! I played with Kimmie a bit since I could see her heiny sticking out. She'd throw out a paw at me to play. I uncovered her so I could pet her, but she wasn't interested and crawled back under the curtain. Silly girl!
Hudson, Zel, Gabbie & Blackie
This morning Blackie got up and came over to say hi when I opened the garage. He soon wandered off to go explore the neighborhood. I headed in to see the other pups. They were excited to get outside. Sparkles was in the living room, looking a little overwhelmed when all three were running about! She was safe from being trampled where she was though. Haha! I took Hudson out first, then the two ladies. It was a beautiful morning, so we spent the whole time outside. Hudson was watching the yard, looking for any neighbor dogs. Zel wandered off into some tall grass and spent some time sniffing around. I got them a fresh bowl of water while we were playing outside. Soon Gabbie was at the gate, barking to come inside. I told her it was too nice out and she'd have to wait until the other two we're ready to go in. She eventually trotted off to do more exploring. Blackie came back to visit me some more. When it was time to head in, we stopped on the steps to wipe off paws. They all did very good!