Boo came for his treats as usual before I let the girls in. He followed me around the house while I looked for Fluffy. Still no sign of her! He hopped up by the sink with Quartz and they both got some attention. Chocolate was sitting in the living room by the lamp. She sat ever so still, hoping I wouldn't notice her! She eventually took off and went into hiding under the bed. She hasn't made any attempts on the front door for me so far, so that's good! I went out to see Kitty Cat and she wasn't out there. I called and called for her, but no Kitty. So I went back in by the girls for awhile. As I fed Boo, Quartz was rolling around on the bed and sticking his paws out at me. He's so silly! I went out and called for Kitty again as I was leaving. Hopefully she'll be around again when I come tomorrow!