This morning Noell was in the living room at her spot, ready for me to come see her. I picked her up and she purred as we went to her room. Sadi was snoozing in her own bed this morning. I woke her up after I picked up their area, then she got her medicine. Noell tagged along to wait for me to get breakfast ready. The girls both went to work for me. Then, Noell was ready to run some laps! She got some playtime in, chasing her light before I cleaned. Noell was my little shadow today, watching nearby as I worked. She was a naughty little kitty too. I caught her trying to "bury" Sadi's food. Apparently, she doesn't like the smell of that kind? Stinker! This evening, Noell came to the living room to see who was home. She didn't have her collar on, so I found that and put it back on her again. Sadi was snoozing away in the tent bed. She got up and had her nosey cleaned up, then worked on her dinner. Noell was ready to eat as well, so I got her some food too.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Today Oscar was at the door to greet me. We said hi as we made our way to the back door. On the way, I saw a random shoe out in the living room. Uh oh... someone almost got into some mischief! I found two other slippers in different spots, so I picked them all up and put them up on his cage. Hopefully he'll leave them alone. Haha. We went outside for awhile. It wasn't too bad outside today, so Oscar spent the whole time exploring out back. He wandered around, then occasionally relaxed on the patio. The cows were nearby today, so Oscar was entertained by watching them. Later on, he and I chased around a little. I didn't want us getting too muddy though, so we didn't do that long. When it was time, Oscar came and was a good patient little boy, waiting for me to dry off his paws.