This morning Noell met me in the bedroom. I stopped to snuggle her a bit, then set her back down. Miss Sadi was sitting in the kitty room. I took her to her spot to give her morning meds and clean up her nose. Noell was busy rolling around on the rug, having fun by herself. Haha. I got the girls their breakfast while Noell waited in the dining room. The girls both ate well for me. Miss Noell was a crazy kitty this morning, while I was busy cleaning. She was zooming from one end of the house to the other! After awhile, I spotted her out on the patio. She was watching me through the door. Sadi was now taking a nap in the tent bed. This evening, Noell met me in the hall. She zoomed to her spot and let me know she was ready for dinner. Sadi was sleeping in her other bed. I woke her up and got her nose cleaned up quick. I got Sadi a little more food and got Noell her dinner as well. It took a little while to get Sadi interested, but finally she started to eat for me. She ate well too.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Today Oscar was busy taking a nap in mom and dad's bed when I came in. He hopped down and came running over. We went out back right away. Oscar wanted a little attention at first, then he went off to do his business. He was busy running around from one end of the yard to the other today, checking out the neighborhood. Then, he was having fun being silly and rolling around in the grass! What a goof. Soon, he found a spot to lay down and relax. The sun was out at the time, so Oscar retired to the shade when he got warm. When we went in, he did his tricks for his snack for me.
Bradford, ZZ, Heighty & Sugar
This morning I went out and Bradford was right at the door to see me. The others followed shortly after. The kiddos still had a little food left from their last meal. I brought out their breakfast for them and they all started to eat for me. Bradford and Heighty both came by for some attention between their nibbles of food. This evening, the pups were at the gate and saw I was there. They started barking excitedly. I went out back with their dinner and got them some fresh water. Bradford came over and helped himself to a drink from the hose. Sugar was all worked up, excited from the sounds of the kids playing outside next door. She was busy bouncing along the fence. The little ones came over to get some pets from me before they worked on dinner. Heighty disappeared for a minute and came prancing out with her toy. I tried to get her to bring it over so we could play, but I think she was too busy trying to find a place to hide it!