Saturday, August 21, 2010

Chico, Chi-Chi and Cali

This morning the pups were ready to get outside. We all went out and played in the backyard for awhile since it was nice out. Chico and Chi-Chi were having fun messing around with each other. Chico was busy exploring all over too, while Chi-Chi hung out by me. When we went in I said hi to Cali who was at the table, talking to me. Chi-Chi had some breakfast right away when she came in. Chico was full of energy! He got down on his front legs and was hopping towards Cali, who was not too excited. However, after Chico left her alone and was minding his own business, she sneak-attacked him from behind the chair! Those two kept sneaking up on each other for awhile. Hilarious! Chi-Chi came over by me and was walking back and forth under my legs, itching her back. Then she hopped up in the chair with me. Chico took a break from playing to hop in my lap and give me kisses all over my face! I let them go back outside again for a little bit, since Chi-Chi needed to finish her business. She did right away, then those two chased around before we headed back inside. Tonight when I let Chico and Chi-Chi outside, they both disappeared into the darkness! Chi-Chi came back to my side as usual, but I could hear little Chico running all over the place. We went in and Chico was in his playful mood again. I called him and he came hopping from down the hallway, then squatted down on his front legs. I put my hands down on the floor to imitate him and he got so excited! He hopped from side to side, then ran up and kissed my face. Cali stayed curled up on a chair or up on the shelf tonight. Chi-Chi was busy itching herself on my legs. She curled up in the chair behind me again, so I gave her a good backscratch. I got her little leg going! I let them both out to go potty again before bedtime.

Maggie & Moe

I let the girls out potty right away when I got there today. It sure was hot out, so Miss Moe was ready to head back inside shortly after. Maggie had brought out a rawhide and was busy trying to find a good hiding spot for it! When we went in, Moe nibbled on her food for some lunch. Maggie laid down next to me to gnaw on her rawhide. The girls took turns taking it away from each other! Eventually Moe gave up and went digging in her toy box for a different one. She brought out a really big one, so Maggie thought she wanted that one instead! She got it away from Moe, so Moe went to take Maggie's. But then Maggie changed her mind and decided to go back to her original one. Maggie kept going into the bedroom to chew on her bone, but then she'd hear Moe and I having fun so she'd come running back out! Silly girl!
It's too hot out here for me, let's go in and play!