This morning Titus and Angel made their way outside while I got their breakfast ready. We switched it up today and sat outside for awhile first. Titus and Angel both came over to get their ears rubbed. Titus and I did a little chasing around. Then, he was intent on messing around with Angel this morning. He ran some laps around the yard while she sniffed around. Then, he kept trying to get her to play with him. She wasn't too excited about that! She came running over to me so I'd save her. Haha! After we played outside awhile, we went in so they could eat their breakfast. This evening the pups worked on their dinner while I sat with them. Ty kept bugging his sister and would try to claim whatever bowl she ate from. She would move to the other one, then he'd lay down with his head in that bowl. What a goof. Eventually they sorted it out and each stuck with one dish. We headed outside next to play a bit. Angel wandered around and sniffed around at everything. Titus followed me while I watered plants, and sat at the door waiting for me to come back out. They both sat with me and enjoyed a long neck scratch. When it was time they followed me inside for bedtime.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Titus & Angel
Dillon, Ty & Boo
This morning I let the boys outside while Boo and I got breakfast ready. Boo sat on his little table to get pet while I tried to fill his dish. He raced around like usual and today he jumped up on the chair in the bedroom, and hugged onto it. It was quite funny to see! He sat by me while I fed the fishies. I headed outside by the boys next, and watched them play for a bit. After I saw they had done their business, we decided to head out for another long walk. It was pretty quiet on our journey through the neighborhood. We saw the occasional pup in a backyard, but that was it. The boys enjoyed our walk, and even Dillon got tired towards the end. This evening I saw Boo peeking out at me through the front window! He was ready for me. I let the boys go have their fun in the back. Boo got some love before I got everyone their dinner. He must have been busy after I left. I saw little fish pellets spilled onto the floor. Boo had a blast rolling around trying to catch the broom while I swept up! Once I finished I sat outside with the boys. Ty had rolled around and gotten some weeds in his hair. He sat by me and let me pick out the majority of it before he ran off to explore again.