Wendy was sitting just outside the laundry room when I came in tonight. She let out a little meow and instantly was rubbing up against my legs! Bonkers was curled up and relaxing under a table in the living room. He hopped up and made his way to the kitchen for his snack. I filled their water bowl with ice cubes, then went looking for the other two kitties. Wendy helped me! She followed me around, rubbing up against my legs and purring away. I couldn't find the other two, so I cleaned the litter boxes and closed the blinds. Then I gave Wendy and Bonkers their cookies before I went looking again. I finally decided to check the bedroom with the closed door. I looked through twice and then found Twinkie just sitting in the window! I got her out and searched for Sassy. Twinkie went into the master bathroom and sat behind the plant on the tub. I gave her her cookies and suddenly heard a tiny meow! I opened another door and Sassy came running out! She was sure craving attention. I pet her as she purred away. She got her cookies too. Later I turned on the kitchen cupboard lights and closed the laundry room door half way before I left.
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