Patches came around the corner of the house and walked inside with me as usual. Clovis was in her normal spot, meowing through the window while I got their food ready. After I put the food out, I walked to the side of the house and called for Sophie and Snickers. They both came running around the corner! Sophie came to get her food and I said hi to her. Snickers hung by the side of the house, so I brought his over to him. As soon as I set it down, Patches came out and went right for it. Snickers hissed and started to leave, so I grabbed Patches and stuck him in the house so they could eat. When they were done, they ran to the front of the house, so I let Patches back out. I pet Clovis and Patches for awhile. When I was leaving, I saw Snickers and Sophie both sleeping on the hood of my car! Sophie immediately jumped down and ran towards me, so I stayed awhile longer and gave them both some attention too. I missed them! Sophie was so lovey. She played with the string on my camera and little green things that had fallen from the trees. She rolled around with one and it got stuck on her ear, so she kept trying to get it off. It was so funny! Patches came out and she ran off into the bushes, so then I said hi to Snickers. Snickers was all sprawled out on the car and purred as I pet him. He was so comfortable I had to peel him off because he was going to come with me!
Hey... this is no fun!