This morning the kitties surrounded me for their morning pets. I headed inside and got Blackie's breakfast ready, then leashed up the girls. I was suprised to not see Blackie snoozing on the couch, where I usually find him. As we headed to the front door, I saw him snuggled on a little bed in the bedroom. He saw me and started making his way to the living room. The girls and I took a long walk this morning. When we got back, I sat with Blackie and all three pups worked on their breakfast. As I was leaving today, the neighbor's black lab came running over to say hi to me! This evening the girls and I went for our walk again. When we got home, Blackie was already outside. So, I went to see and take care of the kitties. Almost every single one was huddled up next to the door waiting for me! Haha! Several decided it was potty time when I went to clean their boxes. They crack me up. I went out to go fetch Blackie when it was time to go. He was all the way at the back of the yard!