This morning Navi met me in the laundry room. She did a big stretch, then walked ahead of me to the living room. I went out to turn the water on and spotted Noell lounging out back. She did a big stretch too, coming over for some pets. I went to get their breakfast ready, then I went to scoop their box. Noell went ahead of me and used it quick. Once I finished, Navi came in for her turn. She kept squatting and wouldn't do anything, so I wasn't sure what that was about. Eventually, she did pee though. That was good to see that they both were using it! The girls met me in the living room. Navi snuggled in my lap for awhile. Noell chased the laser light down the hall a bit. Eventually, they both wandered off. Navi went to eat and Noell went back out to enjoy the morning on her patio. Navi came back and swatted at her treat toys. I filled those up for her before I left.