Saturday, October 23, 2010

Today Chelsea was excited when I came in to see her! She started dancing around and looking at her leash on the counter like, "Are we going for our walk now?! Pretty please!!!". It was raining out, but she wanted to so badly! So, we decided to take a short walk anyways. When we got home I scooped out her food. She was such a good girl that she sat the whole time until I got both cups of food in her bowl before she'd eat it! When she finished, I saw her tennis ball and rolled it down the hallway for her. She walked over to it, sniffed at it, and na... don't want to play with that. We snuggled up in the living room and she got her tummy and ears rubbed. Then she started pawing at me, getting excited and running into the kitchen! I think she thought she needed a treat for that. She did it a few more times. It was so funny! Before I left, I had her do a few tricks for me for pieces of treats.
Yes, I'll have a treat!
Lucy & Shadow

Today as I walked up to the house, I saw Shadow peering out at me through the bedroom window! Lucy was right at the door to say hi. I went into the room to see Shadow and he wasn't in there anymore. He must have snuck out while I was coming in. There he was, sitting in the living room, waiting to play. We all played with their rope for awhile. Shadow got tired of playing, so he sat in the bedroom doorway and watched Lucy and I play. Later he moved into the kitchen under the table. I was trying to get him to play, but only Lucy would run into the kitchen to attack the rope. Shadow got sneaky and grabbed Lucy from behind. She sure didn't like that! She came over to me to get her chin and cheeks scratched for awhile. Later, Shadow decided to come out and play some more with Lucy and I before I left.
Lucy was goofing around with her rope and reaching for the camera!

Shelby, Bitty, Spirit and Baby

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