Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sampson & Haley

This morning I got breakfast ready for Haley, as usual. She must go sit in the shower when she hears me come inside. She meowed at me and I got her food and water ready for her. She wandered out a little, then went to go eat. Sampson woke up when I opened the door this morning. He got his allergy medicine, then worked on his breakfast. He got his greenie as well. I watered the flowers next, and he followed me around. I sat down out on the patio and Sampson stood next to me for his pets. Not much new happened this evening. I got Haley's dinner ready for her. She came out and loved on the hamper and meowed at me. Next, I went to visit Sampson. He had his dinner, his medicine and his joint snack. He came and pawed at me for his attention after that.


This afternoon my little bud did lots of stretching on his way to the door! "Almost done... wait no one more... ok last one. Ahhh. I'm ready." Haha! We got him leashed up and headed out. We got a nice long walk in today. Winston saw a couple other people out walking their poodle, so he watched them curiously for a minute. We wandered all over, while he worked out his sniffer. After he did his business, we went back home. He got all excited and ran to get his blue snack ball again. We played fetch with that until it was time for him to go back to his room.

Eddie & Butler

This afternoon the boys wandered outside after they said hi and Butler got his medicine. Butler went and sprawled out on his couch out there for a bit. Eddie was busy chasing a big bug that was flying around! The boys both ran inside to come mess with me for a few minutes and get a drink. Then, they wandered out to relax and get their sunbathing in. It was a nice warm day out. Butler came back in and started bouncing around on the couch, pawing at me to play. Such a goofball!


Today my buddy greeted me at the door, with his tail wagging happily. He stopped me along the way for a few pets, as we made our way to the door. (Thank you guys for the cute pumpkin card! Love it!! :) Made my day. ) Once outside, Oscar picked a spot in the grass to soak up some sun. I came and sat at the edge of the patio by him to pet him. It was pretty warm out today! Soon, he wandered to a shady area to relax. He sat straight up when he heard a woodpecker hammering on a tree closeby. Oscar got up to go check things out on the side of the house for awhile as well. Later, we headed inside and he got his yummy snack!

Chica & Paco

Today I opened the door, looked to my left and saw miss Chica sitting right at eye level! Haha. She sniffed at me and I pet her hello. Meanwhile, I heard Paco meow, and he ran and attached himself to my legs. He was weaving in and out around my legs as I walked to the kitchen. Chica hopped up on the counter for some more pets, while I got their snack ready. I let them work on that, while I scooped their boxes. Paco was much more interested in getting attention! I sat on the floor with them when I was finished. Paco was such a lovey boy today. He was flopping around and rubbing his face on me, purring away loudly. Chica came and sat on the other side of me. I got Paco to play with one of the feather toys for a bit. Miss Chica wandered out to the patio to do some sunbathing. Paco followed her out to see what she was up to, then came back to play. I had both kitties playing with the big yellow feather toy for awhile as well.

Zoe & Bella

This morning I got in and checked around quick as I let the ladies outside. They did great overnight again. It was a beautiful morning outside. The girls and I stayed out and watched the sunrise. The girls would wander over now and again for a few pets, then they'd go off and do their own thing. Zoe kept busy running laps along the fence. There was a big flock of geese out there today, so every time they flew by, Zoe ran along with them. Haha. Later, we went in and tried to get them to eat their breakfast. They both had eaten more of their food after I left last night, so that was good! Before I left, they each got a couple treats. I stopped by in the afternoon today to give the girls a quick potty break. Zoe laid in the grass and got some sunbathing in. This evening, Bella was watching me from the couch as I came in. When I was ready for them, she leapt off the couch and started zooming towards me to say hi! I think someone is starting to feel better. :) I saw she had eaten some more for me as well. The girls and I headed outside. It was amazing out! Lots of stuff was happening outside, so the girls got some people watching in. Zoe saw another puppy dog and kept talking to it. Bella was in a playful mood tonight. She got Zoe all riled up and the girls had fun zooming all over the yard, chasing each other! Then, Bella went and grabbed her ball and brought it over. She kept squishing it in her mouth, but did not want to give it up! Haha. Later, we went inside and I got them situated for the night. They got a couple treats before I left too.

Sadie, Zoie & Cole

This morning I got Cole up, then went to see the girls. He was sleepy again this morning and took a little while to come out and see me. He and I went out back, while Zoie was taking her potty break. She came in and had her breakfast, while Sadie went out. Sadie came in to eat as well, and actually finished before Zoie did. She was more concerned that I might come in there and steal her food. Haha. I let Sadie out to go enjoy some more time outside. Zoie and Cole hung out in the kitchen with me for a little while. Zoie ran over with her frisbee, but when I tried to grab on, ran the other way. "Nice try!" This afternoon it was pretty warm out. The kiddos and I headed out back. Sadie went and plopped down in her spot in the grass to sunbathe. Cole laid in a sunny spot on the patio. Miss Zoie came and sat with me in the shade, when she wasn't busy exploring. I gathered up her plethora of toys she kept bringing out there and got them all back inside for her. Cole and Sadie retired to the bedroom, and Cole got to nap on the bed. This evening I let all the pups out back. Zoie kept trying to grab more toys to bring outside, so I made her leave most of them in. They all did some exploring around the yard tonight before dinner. When it was time, they were ready to come in and the girls got their snacks.