The girls came in today and went straight to the kitchen. They both sat down and glanced back and forth between me and their box of treats! "Can we have a treat, pretty please?" Sophie was too excited to say hi to me that she didn't eat her bone right away. She had set it down and Roxy swooped in and stole it! The girls came at me from all directions with their puppy kisses! Afterwards they climbed on the couch and wrestled around. Sophie came down to roll over in my lap for her daily tummy rub. Roxy thought the couch would be much more comfortable with all the pillows on the floor, so she stuck her head under each one and flipped it off! The girls settled down after a bit and each curled up on a chair. I put more food outside for them. They both stayed inside and curiously looked out the window at me like, "Something's not right... this is backwards!". I said goodbye and gave them their treats.
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