The girls went potty right away. They both stopped to watch as four different small groups of ducks landed on the pond! We came in and they ate breakfast. They each got a little brushing before it was play time. Those silly girls sure like those antlers! They keep dragging them out to play with after I put them back. They ran around hopping from chair to chair. This evening we did our usual potty and dinner routine. Coco went and got her antler "toy" out of the bedroom so I put it on the table. She kept standing up to see if she could reach it, but didn't attempt anything. The girls both came and sat next to me occasionally for a back or belly rub. Coco ran and laid in one of the chairs while Puff crouched down on the ground, trying to get her to come wrestle around! Later the other antler came out and wound up on the table, so they had to play with their own toys! That's no fun! They did have a good time playing tug of war with each other though. We went outside potty once more before bedtime. See you tomorrow!
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