This evening I came in and Oreo was right at the door to see me. He trotted along and led the way to the kitchen. Oreo meowed at me as I got his food ready. I went to go scoop their box and saw Stuffy was lounging on the bed. He was getting all cozy before the weather came in tonight I guess! I stopped to visit him first. Oreo was now sitting at the end of the living room, ready for me. He and I went to our spot and he plopped down next to me. Oreo laid there and enjoyed his pets and chin rubs the whole time!
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Murdy & Charlie
Today Charlie was on his way down the stairs to see me and Murdy was standing at the top. Charlie started talking away to me with his cute little meow. He followed me to their room and helped me get them some fresh food and water. He waited on the dryer while I scooped their box and meowed as I came back in by him. Haha. I grabbed one of their toys and made my way to the living room. Murdy was already sitting there waiting for me! He started to play a little bit, until Charlie came and got in his way. Murdy wandered down the hall to go check out my shoes. Charlie crouched down and did the heiny wiggle, as if he was going to race and pounce on his brother. But, he stayed put and rolled around by me instead. He played for a little while, then went to go snack on some food. Charlie joined him after a bit.
Sophie & Roxy
Today I spotted the girls lounging on the patio by the side of the house as I pulled up. They both got up and started to bark excitedly. They were both at the back door again when I got inside. I see they had some entertainment today! Some neighbors were having a pool party. The girls must have been tired from all the excitement. They came in and snuggled with me on the couch for awhile. After that, it was nap time! Roxy was sprawled out upside down in her chair. Sophie laid on the cool floor in the dining area. She eventually got up and ate her dinner. Roxy later nibbled, but went back to her nap. The girls got up and got their treats when it was time to head back out.
Sadie & Steve
This morning I came in and the girls were both dancing excitedly at the door. We went down the hall to get a leash. I got Steve hooked up and we headed outside. Sadie decided to wander past the leash outside to do her business, even though I was calling her. But, she came back to me as soon as she finished. She gave me that look... "What? I did what you wanted me to do!" Haha. We went inside and I got the pups their breakfast. I sat in the middle of the room while they each worked on their food. Steve kept trying to "bury" her food with her nose. Then she went ahead and ate. This afternoon, I took both girls out on a leash so Sadie couldn't wander away from me. She was always upset she couldn't see us anyways. Haha. We all walked around together while they did their business. We came back inside and the girls both snuggled up with me on the couch. Sadie was being silly and would paw at me, even though I was already petting her. This evening, I could hear little noses sniffing through the door. I opened it and the pups did their happy little dance while I got them leashed up. We went out and they did their business for me. Afterwards, we came in and hung out on the couch. They both enjoyed some pets as they lounged.
Sadie, Zoie & Cole
This morning I got all the pups up and started on their rounds for potty breaks. Sadie went out front for awhile and I took Cole out back. I got him to do his business for me, then we went inside. Zoie visited with me for a little bit until it was her turn to go out. Next, I got everyone their breakfast and medicine. This afternoon it was nice and sunny out. The grass had dried out quite a bit and it was so nice, that we all went out back. The pups did their business, then they all found a spot and lounged on the patio. Sadie didn't sit out in the sun long, before she had to move to the shade. We went in and I checked all their water bowls. Cole was ready to go hang out on the bed, so I lifted him up. This evening, Cole and Sadie met me at the door. I let everyone out for their evening potty breaks. We came inside after that and all hung out in the kitchen for a little while. Zoie showed me her bone. The other two were both pawing at me to get my attention. Soon, it was time for dinner and eventually they all got tucked in for the night.