Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sarge & Diamond

Diamond nearly busted out of her cage when I walked in, she was so excited! I let them both out and we headed straight outside. Diamond seems to be doing well in her new crate. It didn't appear to be moved. Once we finally got outside, Diamond was pretty much attached to me! She was so happy, bouncing around for attention. Sarge had wandered into the yard to do his business. Then, he came over too and they were both tackling me for attention. Soon Diamond went and did her business too, then came right back. I sat down and they weaved around my legs and hopped in my lap. Sarge got as much petting time in as Diamond would let him get! They are so funny. Soon the excitement wore down and they decided to go play. Sarge was galloping around and Diamond would go to chase after him. They sure burned some energy by running laps around and around the yard. They did some wrestling too. I let them play for a few more minutes, then we headed in. Both pups went and sat in the kitchen, staring at me for their treats! They each got a couple of the tiny ones for sitting so nicely. When they kenneled up, they got their milkbone snacks. We had good timing today with the weather. As I headed home, then the sprinkles began.