This morning it was nice and warm out, so I let the kiddos run around for awhile outside right away. Jenny and Lew were hanging out by the trailer, sniffing around. Danner and Fiona wandered around by their fenced in area and Ethel kept close to the porch. I rounded them up for breakfast except for Lew again. He wanted to keep exploring! When he was ready I fed everyone. He didn't want to eat for me at first, but he did later when I tried again and gave him some privacy from the others. I guess he just wanted some lovin'! I let Ethel hang out in her room for a bit so she could work on her breakfast too. Since it was so warm out I kept everyone in the garage for the day. Tonight I opened up the doggie door and they all came running out, one by one! I fed them supper right away; they were all so excited to eat! I had Ethel go in her room so she could eat. She must have been tired and decided to curl up on her bed. After dinner, the other pups roamed around the backyard. It was still so nice and warm out! Lew hung out inside for awhile and laid on his bed. I checked on Ethel, who was sleeping soundly. She was hanging off the bed a bit, so I scooped her up and made her more comfortable. Then she sat up and had a couple treats along with the others.
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