This afternoon I let everyone outside when I arrived. It was pouring rain out, so they all quickly went potty, then returned to the safe and dry patio. They huddled up on their bed together, so we headed back in. This evening I walked in the door and was greeted by Jimmy and Buddy bouncing around me. I said hi to them then crackeHid up laughing when I saw Sugar standing on the back of the couch wagging her tail, looking overwhelmed with excitement. They all headed for the door, but realised it was cold and wet out, so they just stood there. Sugar even curled up on the bed there. I let them back in so they could take their meds and I could try letting them out again later. After they took their meds, I sat with them in the living room for awhile. Jimmy crawled up on the back of the couch and sat right above me and used my shoulder as a pillow. It was adorable! Then I heard constant jingling from Charlie's cage, and sure enough, I turn around and see him with his beak on top of his little bell, and he's intentionally ringing it and ringing it. It was too funny!