This morning Bella was snoozing right in the middle of the living room. I woke her up when I opened the door. She quickly wandered over by me to say good morning. Zoe was bouncing up and down like crazy until I finally made my way to her. I let them both outside quick. They didn't take very long. They came back inside and immediately wanted their treats. They knew the drill. They sat all cute for the treats, then were overjoyed to receive them. I sat in the living room with them after that. Zoe kept stealing Bella's bone, then Bella would come and whine to me, tattling. I got her a different bone and then she was quite content. This evening I was greeted by Bella again. She was waiting for me right behind the door. Zoe was bouncing like crazy until we headed outside. The neighbors' dogs were out and Zoe went ballistic. She was running along the fence like a mad dog, barking and scratching at it. I finally called her back inside, and she listened really well. Although she was still worked up, and started running in circles around the house. I finally gave both of them a bone and they settled down a little. Bella was always happy with a bone.