Thursday, June 2, 2016


Today Sage was doing a big stretch when I walked in. I let her out and she went to go explore right away. She didn't finish her food from yesterday again. I cleaned up her cage and got her kong out. We played a short game of fetch today. She was more concerned with something at the front of the yard. I couldn't tell what she was so excited about at first. But, I think it was the birds flying overhead that she had her sights on. Haha! I got her food out and ready for her when it was time to go. She did have fun racing all over the yard today.


This morning Jackson was trotting his way to the back door with his frisbee when he heard me come in. I let him out and got his food and water ready. I noticed there were a couple photo books on the floor that must have been knocked down. I put those back on the table and headed out by Jackson. Another rainy forecast was in store for us today. Just can't catch a break this week! Luckily, this morning was pretty nice out. We went for a little stroll today since the grass was a bit wet for playing fetch. I let Jackson stay out for the morning again, then came by around lunch to put him in. It stormed a little in the afternoon. This evening Jackson was making his way with his frisbee to wait by the door. We went out and he ate all of his dinner right away for me. Such a good boy! I tucked him back inside for the night with a little bedtime snack.