Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oreo & Stuffs

Today Oreo followed me to the kitchen to get his yummy snack. He rolled around, then decided to nibble until I came back. Stuffy was sitting in the living room, waiting for me. Oreo heard me talking to him, and came racing from the entryway! The boys both laid by me for a bit, getting their back and chin scratches. Stuffy wandered off to snack a bit and use his freshly cleaned litter box. Haha! Oreo perked his ears up when he heard Stuffy scratching around in the litter. I got out Oreo's toys and he had fun wrestling around with them. I visited with the boys longer tonight, until they were bored with me. Oreo stayed the longest, and was content just laying by me awhile. He was being a little sassy pants towards the end of my visit! Haha! He didn't want me to pet him anymore and kept meowing that at me. A few minutes after that, he walked off to go eat. He will be happy to see me again tomorrow, I'm sure. :)

Sadi & Stormy

Today I got the girls' food ready when I arrived. I started to take it to their room, then stopped in my tracks when I got to the bedroom. I saw the girls were both snuggled up together in their kitty bed under the window! So adorable!! I stopped to get a picture quickly, before they moved. As soon as I did, Stormy hopped up and came over to me. She worked on eating, while Sadie got her meds. Sadi sounded much better today. She followed me out to the living room and got some attention, while we waited for Stormy to finish eating. When Stormy came out, I gave her her medicine too. Her lip looks really good! We all sat in our spot and the girls enjoyed some attention. Before I left, Sadi wandered into the bedroom to go get a bite to eat.