Thursday, October 23, 2014

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening I walked into the kitchen and Oreo followed along from somewhere. I came by a little earlier today, but he was telling me that he sure didn't mind eating early. Haha! I still made him wait until the end of my visit though. I scooped their box, then went to sit in the living room. Oreo came running to join me. He plopped down next to me and purred away as he got his pets. He loved up all his chin scratches and stretch out on the floor. Oreo laid by me most of the time today. I headed upstairs to see what Stuffy was up to. He was just chillin' on the ottoman up there. I sat with him and gave him some pets too. Oreo came up by us after a little while. Soon, it was time to eat and I got Oreo his food to snack on.


Today Winston followed me to the door to get ready for our walk. We went on our way and he stopped to check out bushes and trees. Winston did his business, then we continued to wander around for a bit. It was a little cooler outside today. Winston was ready to head back, and started to lead me that way. Once we got home, he started getting all riled up! I asked where his toy was, and he went and got his white bone for us to play. We played a good game of fetch with that. He cracks me up! He kept placing the bone in my hand, then he'd wait for me to grab on. If I didn't, he would give me a little "grrr" as if to say, "C'mon let's play tug!".


Today I came in and found Oscar lounging on the couch in the living room. I guess he was too comfy to get up! Haha. He did a big stretch as he came down, then we went to sit outside. It was pretty cool out this afternoon. Oscar came and visited with me for a little attention. He kept walking under my legs today! Goofy boy! Later, Oscar went to lounge in the grass for awhilw. His butt got all wet from laying out there. Haha. When it was time to go in, I had to hide the paw towel, because he wouldn't come near me when he knew I had it! Today, he started going through his tricks before I even said anything. "What if I do this? Now can I have my treat?" Haha. He cracks me up.

Eddie & Butler

It had rained out earlier today. By the time i came to visit the boys, it was all done. They said hi for a little bit, before running outside. Butler sat on the railing for awhile and just looked around. Eddie was busy roaming the yard. A bird landed on the top of the fence, so he raced over to chase it away. Later on, a huge flock of birds flew overhead, which got Eddie all excited. After he settled down, he joined Butler and lounged on the patio awhile.

Sadi & Stormy

This morning I came in and didn't see Stormy at all, so I went to go see Sadi. She was all curled up next to the food bowls, snoozing away. I woke her up and got her medicine for her. In the kitchen, Stormy appeared and began talking to me. I guess she was ready to eat! I took Sadi back and set her in the litter box, then got their breakfast. I let the girls eat, while I took care of the rest of their things. Sadi had wandered into the bedroom portion of her area, so I sat and pet her a bit. Stormy sat on the bench next to me for a few pets as well. Sadi later discovered the plant pot by the one litter box and started loving on that. Haha! She itched her face on that for quite awhile!