This morning I let the girls outside quick. It was raining out, so they were quickly ready to come back in. I found a towel in the dog cupboard to wipe their paws off with. I got them their breakfast and bones, then went to visit the kitties. One of the babies climbed up in my lap to cuddle, while I kept the other entertained with their feather toy. They were both just purring away! Next I went to feed Meeko. He kept chirping and saying his name to me. He climbed around the cage a bit while I refilled his dishes, holding onto his little rice crispy snack I gave him. I let the girls back outside while I went to check on the horses. Marie was standing just inside the barn, sheltering herself from the rain. The others wandered about. Chicka came over to say hi, but I think she really was more hoping for some food! Back at the house, the girls were ready to get in out of the rain. After I cleaned them up we played inside. Tipper curled up with a bone to chew on, while Roz sat by me getting some love! It was supposed to be raining all day with chances of storms, so I kept them inside for the day, since they didn't seem to want to go out. Luckily David was home, so he let them out to play for awhile today too! They greeted me happily at the door this evening. I got them their dinner right away. I played with Georgia and Sky for a little while after they had finished. Those two were playful little ones tonight! I noticed their feather toy is in a different spot each time I come. We played with that for awhile and they both would leap and hop over each other to get it! They are so entertaining to watch. Of course their motors were running loudly the whole time. I let Roz and Tipper outside to play while I fed the horses, since the rain had finally stopped. Marie came in the barn to watch me get their feed. Skippy and Belle went to their side to wait for me to deliver their yummy food. Chicka thought she was going to share with Skippy, so I had to lead her back into her area. Marie shoved her bowl under the fence for me to fill for her. After I got everyone eating, I closed the gate and got Chicka and Marie a little hay for the night. Back at the house, I played some fetch with Tipper. Roz was having a blast running up and down from the tree house! I think she was chasing after some birds. I had to laugh when Tipper went after the ball one time and did a belly flop into a leaf pile! Needless to say, I had two dirty puppies when we were all done playing. I got another towel out and cleaned up Roz first. I had to wet down Tipper's legs to get the mud off of her. She was such a good girl though, and was even hanging onto her ball the whole time!