Sunday, July 5, 2015

Cate, Bella & Mio

This morning I got the sprinklers going on the lawn, then headed inside to see Cate. I took her out back with me and coaxed her to do her business. This time I just waited on the patio out there with her. After a few minutes, she wandered out to the grass and did her business. Yay! Good girl. She came in and ran around her room while I fed and watered the other two. I finished watering plants next. Back inside, Cate was all happy and prancing around. I got her a cookie when it was time to go back to her bed. This evening Cate and I went out back and I refilled her water dishes. She peed quick, then we went in for her dinner. I loved on Mio and Bella a bit while she was busy. Bella will be happy to roam free tomorrow! She was quite antsy tonight. Cate got another potty break when she was done eating. She didn't want to leave the patio this time though. I didn't make her stay out too long, since it was quite warm out there.

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening Oreo heard me come in and met me in the kitchen. I got him working on his dinner while I took care of their other things quick. He was sitting by the front door when I was done, checking out my shoes. Haha. He followed me to our spot for a little attention time. I guess he was feeling a little antisocial tonight. He got up after a short while and wandered back to the dining room. I went to find Stuffy next. He was laying on his shelf upstairs again. Silly boy! He enjoyed plenty of pets and chin rubs.


This morning Shadow met me in the kitchen and attached himself to my leg right away. He circled my leg while I got breakfast ready. Shadow joined me in the pantry again to get all his morning snacks. While he ate, I tended to his box. Shadow came and got a few pets when I returned. He was busy exploring this morning. Shadow would wander off to go check things out, then go grab a few bites, and go check something else out. He retired to the top of his kitty tower. I gave him some more pets while he lounged up there.


This morning I walked out and saw Major was already making his way to see me. He came right in without any hesitation today. He didn't appear to be too upset or anything over all the festivities last night. Major came and stood behind me while I got his food ready. He even howled at me! Haha. I brought his food over to his spot, then gave his medicine. I got him some fresh water for outside while he was busy. After he was done and I cleaned up his bowl, we walked back outside. I got him another cookie, which he was very excited about, as usual!