Monday, March 2, 2015

Sadi & Noell

This morning I came in and didn't see miss Noell in her usual spot. I made my way down the hall and saw that the door was mostly closed. I pushed it open and there she was, sitting there. She must have done that! Haha. I went to their room and Noell was in such a hurry to race me, that she couldn't clear the board. She got stuck half way over. Oops! I saw Sadi was up and getting a drink. I got her her medicine right away. Her nose looked good this morning. She was a little congested, but not bad, with just a tiny bit of crusties. Noell was being silly, hopping around in the tub while she waited. When she saw I was putting Sadi back, Noell zoomed down the hall to wait. She was quite talkative this morning while I got her food! Guess someone was hungry. I gave the girls some pets after they finished eating their breakfast. This evening, the girls were both napping in their room. Noell got up and did a stretch, while I went to pick up Sadi. Her nose looked pretty good again tonight. I got Noell some more dinner, and both ladies ate for me.


This afternoon I opened the door and didn't see Oscar. I walked in and spotted him chillin' on the couch! He sat there for a second and looked at me, then jumped down and came running to say hi. We went outside and he got some more hello pets. After a little bit, Oscar ventured off the patio to go explore. He wandered around in the snowy yard, stopping here and there to sniff at the ground. It wasn't super cold out, so I let him have his fun exploring. We went in a couple minutes early to get his paws cleaned off. Then, we had a short game of tug with his octopus toy.