This afternoon it was raining outside. The little ones hung out on the porch for a few minutes and debated whether or not they were going to go out. Eventually they wandered off into the yard, one by one. Biscuit would go out and explore a little, then come back to the dry patio. Roxy soon found her ball and wanted to play some fetch in the rain! She had a blast! Water went flying up behind her as she raced to get the ball. Later it was Bert's turn to come outside. She walked around in the grass, not minding the rain. Soon it had slowed to a sprinkle, so she continued to explore. Back inside I got everyone their treats before I left.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Today it was raining when I arrived. I was met by a happy little Chloe, with her tail wagging away! I noticed she had found her Frisbee toy and it was laying next to her. So, we played some fetch with that for awhile. She had so much fun! She would race off after it, and even once in awhile she would jump up and catch it in the air. She would come trotting happily back to me. But, she didn't want to give it back, so she played a game of keep-away! I chased her around and around. Then I waited until she was ready to put it down, and threw it some more. She spent some time snuggling up by me too, to get a good back scratch. I got her a couple treats before I left.

Tank & CJ
This morning it was raining outside when I arrived. Both puppies were nice and dry, cozy inside the garage. They quickly raced into the kitchen for their hot dogs! We spent most of our time sitting in the garage while they took turns to eat. Tank sprawled out across my lap. He's such a silly boy! Before I left, they got their yummy bones to work on. This evening they were both in the garage when I pulled up, but they ran outside when they heard me. After they got their hot dogs, we sat in the garage again. Tank was being silly, peeking at me from outside the doggie door. Then he would come in slowly, doing a big stretch half way through! CJ was laying on the floor, watching her bone closely so Tank wouldn't steal it. I gave them hugs good-bye and gave them their chicken treats before I left.

This morning the dark clouds were rolling in when I got there. Miss Chelsea was right at the door, moving her blinds to see me. Luckily, we were able to get a long walk in before it started to rain. As we were walking, we saw a lawn service cutting grass up ahead. I didn't notice it at first, but I figured out that Chelsea was getting nervous! I turned her around and we took a different route instead. After we did that, she kept looking behind us to make sure they weren't following! We got home and she got her pill and treats before I left. This evening Chelsea must have been outside when I got in. She came running down the hall to see me! After her dinner we got to go for another long walk. It was cool, but very comfortable outside. After our walk, Chelsea and I got our snuggle time in. She's such a sweetie pie! She knew when it was treat time too, and did a few tricks for me.