This morning I made my way to the girls room. Sadi was up wandering around. Noell appeared instantlybehind me from somewhere! She was hopping around on the bag that I put dirty pads in. Goofy girl. I took Sadi to her spot to give her her meds. I played her some comforting music while I cleaned up her nose. Haha! I pushed the button to see what it did and couldn't help but laugh. Meanwhile, Noell was in the bedroom batting around a little yellow mouse. She followed me to the kitchen and talked to me while I got breakfast ready. The girls worked on their food. Noell got some play time when she was finished. We played with a couple of her toys in the living room, then she chased around her laser light. This evening, I found Sadi snoozing in her bed. I could hear her breathing, since her nose was stuffed up. I cleaned her nose up for her. As I was heading out, I saw Noell sitting on the floor behind the hanging clothes. She popped out and tagged along to wait for her dinner.