Friday, July 24, 2015

Sadie, Zoie & Cole

This evening Sadie and Cole met me at the door. They followed along to the kitchen and waited while I read mom's notes quick. Then, the three pups and I headed out back. Zoie made sure to bring a toy along. They all did their business right away. Zoie was off exploring, while the other two came to sit by me for their pets. Sadie gave me lots of kisses. Cole kept pawing for more attention. I saw Zoie found a little frog that she chased around for a bit. She was quite amused with the jumping critter! Haha. When it was time, we all went in and I tucked them in for the night.

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening I came in and spotted Oreo at the top of the stairs. He waited there and meowed at me a few times. Then, he started to make his way down and to the kitchen. Oreo got his dinner while I took care of their things. I set the kitty bag outside and as I closed the door, I saw Stuffy sitting at the top of the stairs this time. Both boys came to visit me today. They laid on either side of me the whole time, each enjoying their pets. Stuffy just sat, while Oreo sprawled out on his side. Such silly boys. They will be happy to have mom and dad home soon for more snuggles!


This morning I went out back and called for Major. He was already up, so he must have heard me coming. He made his way inside and seemed to have a little easier time than last night. He waited behind me while I got his breakfast ready for him. Major ate well and got his medicine. When he was finished, he waited patiently for his cookie! I got him one to work on, then gave him some pets before he wandered back out. This evening, I heard Major as I walked up. He must have heard me coming again. Major was already almost to the back door when I got there. He came in and ate his dinner for me. It was pretty toasty out tonight, but at least he had plenty of shade in his yard. I got him a fresh bowl of cold water for out back. He hung out inside with me for a few pets, and of course, another cookie!