Dakota wasn't too much more hyper than normal today. She was talking to me while I was getting their leashes put on. It was still pretty nice out when we went for our walk, but the clouds were rolling in. Kota had very runny stool today and was squatting for a bit after. She was keeping her eye on a robin though while she was going! I got some of Benny's itchies for him when we got back. He sure liked that and was wiggling around a lot when I was scratching his back. They both got pretty tired out from the walk today, so hopefully they won't be so hyper when you get home!
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
I came in this afternoon to let everyone out. It had gotten nice out, but the storm clouds were already rolling in. Mattie didn't want to go outside for me. She was laying in the bedroom with her head towards the corner by the nightstand. I thought that was a little odd, so I stayed by her and just watched her a little bit to make sure she was ok. She seemed fine, and even perked up when I got her a treat. Like normal, she didn't want me to stop petting her! I had to go let the other 3 in because it was starting to rain. They all got a treat before I put them back to bed.
Maggie & Moe
Maggie and Moe were ready to go outside this morning! It was really nice out when I came. Moe got out there and laid right down in her little bed on the patio to sunbathe. Maggie was laying out in the grass by the side of the house. The girls ran around and chased each other for awhile, then went back to soaking up the sun! When it was time to go, Maggie didn't want to come back inside because it was too nice out! I went out by her and she rolled over and got a quick tummy rub before I picked her up and brought her in.
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
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