Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bella & Zoe

This morning the sleepy puppies woke up when I opened the door. Zoe started barking right away and bouncing up and down. Bella just followed me around until I stopped and let her give me a smooch. They both charged out the backdoor. Bella didn't linger, she took care of business right away. It was cold out. Zoe, on the other hand, was running around the fence like a bullet, so excited she couldn't handle it. When they came back inside, I sat down and was attacked with kisses from both of them again. They each got their treats, then started chasing eachother around. Bella wanted the bone Zoe stole from her. It was quite amusing. That night when I showed up, Bella was jumping all over the place this time. She followed me to the backdoor and zoomed out with Zoe. I refilled their bowls while they were out. Bella let me know when they were done. They came back in and Bella took a nice, long drink, getting me drenched in water with kisses after. Zoe was zooming around the place like it was her playground. They were so hyper tonight!


Chloe was sleepy this morning when I arrived. She gave me some kisses to say hello, then we went outside. It was chilly out, but she didn't mind. She wandered around for a bit, then brought me back her frizbee so we could play. We headed back inside and she wanted to share her chair by the window with me. She layed down on my lap and dozed off a bit. This evening she was sitting behind the door, knowing when I was going to arrive. I gave her a hug then we went out back. She dropped her frizbee at my feet so we could play some more. She abandoned it in the yard somewhere when she had her fill. We went back inside and she still hadn't eaten much, so I sat with her, seeing if having company would help. She ate a little bit for me, then went and layed down behind the couch.


Sarge was so happy to get out and play this afternoon. He bounced up and down, beating me to the backdoor again. I finally got him to calm down for two seconds so he could go potty. Then he started rolling around in the grass. When he was ready to go back in, he sat patiently and let me go in first. We got inside and he layed down on his cozy bed so I could rub his belly.

Piglet, Echo, Zephyr, Tony & Chickens

Today I heard one of the roosters do his morning call as I walked up to the house. Echo and Zephyr came running and were dancing around me as I made my way to the laundry room. They were very lovey this morning! Echo was rubbing her face on the food container. Zephyr came over and rubbed against the wall next. They worked on their yummy breakfast while I cleaned their boxes. I went out to feed the chickens next. Tony was standing at the door ready to come out. The chickens scurried to eat the lettuce as I scattered pieces for them. Back inside, I went to look for Piglet. She was snuggled up all cozy on her pillow by the bed. It was misting out this morning and the grass was very wet, so I left it up to her if she wanted to go for a walk. We took a short one, just long enough to do her business. Then, she cut back towards home. This evening little Piglet was watching out the window as I pulled in. Zephyr came running from the kitchen for some attention. The kitties thought they were going to get some more canned food when I got Piglet's dinner ready. The chicken and Tony were all gathered by the door this evening. They gathered around and ran for the coop when I tossed in their mealworms and night time snack. The little rooster had knocked over his water dish, so I made sure to refill that. I gave them some extra feed this evening too since it was getting low. I went back inside to get Piglet, and we went for a nice long walk around the pasture. She was such a good girl! When we finished she worked on her dinner and got a snack before I left.