Monday, November 23, 2009

Clovis, Sophie, Snickers & Patches

Another nice day out! No one was at the front of the house to greet me when I came today. I went in and started filling the dry food bowls. I opened the patio door and suddenly Clovis, Patches and Sophie appeared! Patches came in to help me get the food ready again, and the other two sat and patiently waited, staring at me through the windows. Clovis started eating before I even got the plates all down. After a couple minutes Snickers came running. After everyone was finished, Clovis and Snickers disappeared again. Sophie stayed out by Patches and I for awhile. I was petting her and Patches started coming towards me for more too. She didn't like that! Clovis eventually showed up again for awhile before I left and sat on his table below the window, cleaning his face. Snickers was the only one to come out front and watch me leave today.