This morning Gracie was sitting on top of the back of the lounge chair! I let Gracie go outside by herself at first. Instead of jumping right up on a chair, she walked around and did her business. She was a lot more comfortable with me this morning. I went out with her afterwards and sat in a chair. She came and laid in the chair right across from me! Usually she'd pick one as far away as possible. I pet her for a minute and we just spent some time out there. She got down and wandered around the yard for a little while too. I topped off her food before I left. She has been eating pretty good for me this time! Tonight Gracie was looking out the front window again when I came to visit. She ran to the back door as soon as I came in. We went and sat outside for awhile tonight. She hopped up in her chair, but later she was roaming around by one side of the house. Wooley was outside and watching her. He barked a couple times, but she wasn't too interested. Once we went inside, she curled up in her lounge chair. I gave her a treat and pet her for awhile before it was time to go.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Clovis, Snickers, Sophie & Patches
Dakota & Benny
Benny was happy to see me! He jumped and ran around when I came in. Kota was yelling at me because I was taking too long trying to find the other leash. I found another short one in the closet, so I put those two together for Benny. He didn't seem to notice a difference! Nothing too exciting happened on our walk today, just the usual events. Kota squatted to pee twice again. When we got home Benny wanted to go out back. I let him out, and he came right back with his blue ball!
Daisy, Ally & Prissy
Prissy was sitting on the couch meowing at me and Ally was on a dining room chair when I came in today. I went up to see Daisy and she was on the top floor, chewing on hay. She came right out and said hi. She let me pet her for a minute before she went roaming around the upstairs. She sure doesn't like the doors being closed! Daisy stood on her back legs and scratched at them. The one bedroom door just pushed right open for her. Once it was open, she went just inside, then decided there was nothing interesting in there! She came running down the hallway, bouncing in the air, kicking her legs around. It was the funniest thing! She tried sitting in the bottom part of her travel cage, even though it was sitting upright against the wall. When it was time to go, she went right in for me and ate her treats. I went downstairs and spent a little bit with the kitties before I left too.
Taz was sleeping out by his tree this morning when I pulled in. It was a cooler morning, and our allergies were both bothering us today! Taz was very excited to get going. We took the nice long route this morning. The little dog was out today again, and Taz was very good. He was quiet, but he looked up at me and gave me a funny look like, "Pretty please? Can I?". There was a tennis ball laying in the grass on our way back. Taz ran right up to it, but just sniffed it and walked away. I thought for sure he'd scoop it up and bring it along! When we got back home Taz was busy hunting by the fence again. After I took care of his food and water we played fetch for awhile.
Jerrie's allergies seemed to be bothering him a little yesterday. He had the sniffles! He was laying in his spot on the bed and stood up to greet me. He just purred away while I pet him! Today I watered the plants and took care of Jerrie's stuff, then spent the rest of the time with him. He was laying in his favorite chair today. When I walked into the room, he meowed at me, got up and hopped up onto the desk. He started rubbing his face on the computer screen and danced around in circles. He was very lovey today! He climbed down and came to me for some attention. He walked around and rubbed his face all over me, then would lean his head towards me. "You can pet me right here!" He swatted at the toy attached to his little kitty tunnel for a couple minutes, but was more interested in getting his chin scratched! I don't think he wanted me to leave today, he meowed at me again as I was leaving.
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