Miss Kitty was ready and waiting for me when I got in today, following me up to the door and jumping up on her table to get some attention before I went inside. Boo was waiting for me when I came in and when I came in the door I stopped to put my keys in my pocket and he pawed at my leg like "Hey... I'm down here...pet me..." lol, he's so funny. Again he spent the rest of the visit right by my side the whole time. Quartz was in the mood for some attention too today, he was waiting for his water to be turned on when I got to the sink :). The girls got a bunch of lovin today, I pulled up a chair right by Suzzie so I could give her some attention while she was snacking. Heiny would walk in circles grabbing a bite to eat then coming over to get scratched, then going back to the bowl, and back and forth. Miss Kitty got some more lovin as I was leaving and even walked me out to my car.
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