Wednesday, September 23, 2015


This afternoon Oscar was standing in the living room waiting for me. I came in and he ran over, putting his head beneath my hand for some pets. We headed out back and Oscar found a nice sunny spot on the patio to lounge. He relaxed for awhile, then it was time to explore. I had a good laugh when I saw him stalking a squirrel! He was slowly creeping over to that side of the yard to try and sneak up on him. Then, he'd carefully sit down and wait, then get up and sneak over further. Haha. Later, we had a few catches with the frisbee before it was time to head in.


This morning Noell met me by the back door. She was meowing away at me. I went out to turn the water on quick, then she led the way to her room. I got her breakfast and she snacked a little bit right away. Out in the living room, I saw she'd been having fun with one of the little round caps from the toilet. Haha! Wonder where she got that idea from. I found which one it came from and put it back. Then, we got out her fishy for some play time. She was pretty lovey again today and mostly wanted her pets. But, she'd have spurts where she wanted to zoom and pounce too.