This evening the boys both appeared when I got into the kitchen. I had noticed a little bird toy by the front door. Someone was having some fun! Stuffy sat by the end of the couch to watch as I got their dinner ready. Oreo was busy doing his usual thing. Haha. When I finished, Stuffy stood up and was ready to follow along to our spot. I think Oreo had wandered to the entryway. He came running from that direction when he heard me. The boys sat on either side of me for some attention. Oreo was in a little bit of a sassy mood today. I don't think he was sure what he wanted, whether to or not to be pet. Haha! He was content just sitting up against me and that was about it. Stuffy was enjoying some chin and tummy rubs. Oreo played with a couple of his toys, then wandered off to snack. When he returned, he laid next to me again and watched the window for some birds. He saw one at one point and raced over to get a closer look.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Gracie, Molly, Emma & the gang
This morning Emma was all excited when I walked in. I let her and Molly out quick to do their business. Gracie came out of her bed and waited in the kitchen, while I got them breakfast. Molly took a little bit, but then she finally worked on her food. The other two already had their bowls licked clean. I let the older gals outside for the rest of the time, while Gracie and I went for a walk. There was a greater chance for rain and storms today, so I decided to keep everyone inside. This afternoon, Gracie was hopping around when I came in. She sure doesn't get too excited when I come to visit... haha! I tried to get the other two outside. Emma went out one door, then when I opened the other to get Molly out, Molly just stared at me and Emma came waltzing back in. Emma went in and out a couple times before Molly went outside. Silly ladies! I noticed someone had thrown up, so I started picking that up, while Molly and Emma were out. I heard some rustling in the front room and saw Smudge was getting comfy on the highest box she could find! Gracie was following me around, waiting patiently for her attention. Meanwhile, Henry was on the dining table batting my keys around. After the girls had plenty of time outdoors, Gracie and I went out for a bit. We played with her soccer ball for a little while, until she got bored playing "keep away".