Monday, December 27, 2010
Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge, Fluffy & Kitty Cat
Clovis, Snickers & Patches
Elliot, Daisy & Goliath
Gracie & Jack
Heathcliff, Atticus, Ava & Chance

Cali & Miss Ella
Kira, Lisa Lee & Bunky
When I walked in the house this morning, I found Kira relaxing in the blue, leather chair. I went over and sat down next to her and gave her some scratches. She kissed me when I was done to thanked me for the love. Bunky was laying peacefully on the bed and purred as I gently pet her. After a few minutes, Lisa Lee came out from under the bed. Today, she didn't run away from me as fast! It was time for me to clean the litter box and put new pads down. I also refreshed the cat's water bowls. Lisa Lee came around the corner and let me pet her in the kitchen! Kira jumped off the chair to take a drink and eat a few bites of food. It was time for me to go, so I said goodbye to the three and thanked them for a fun time!
Prissy & Ally
Coco & Puff
Coco and Puff welcomed me with barks and wagging, little tails this morning! Each sat down before I let them out of their room. I put the leashes on and then it was outside for a nice, morning walk! The girls had fun in the cool air, stopping once in a while to watch the ducks in the pond. We walked around the water fall and then it was back inside for breakfast. Coco did a pretty dance on her hind legs as I scooped the food into each bowl. I then told them to go into their cage and sit down before I set the bowls down. They patiently waited until I said, "OK, you can eat" before they each chose a bowl. After they were done eating, it was time to chase each other around the room! Back and forth they went, running around the chair. I gave each a few scratches before I left for the morning. When I returned this evening, both Coco and Puff were full of excitement. Outside we went to go potty and run off some energy! They were finally ready to go back inside for dinner. After they finished, Puff grabbed her toy and ran around with it until Coco decided she wanted it too! Finally after a long battle, Coco gave up and went into the basket and got her own! As soon as Puff saw that, she left hers and went to lay down! It was so funny! They wore each other out and it was time for me to go! Sleep well!