This morning Navi was in the kitchen with her ears back, looking concerned that the door was opening. Haha. She saw me and started in on her meowing at me right away. The girls led me to their room to get their dishes. Navi was meowing nonstop while I got their food ready. She had quite the story to tell I guess! Haha. After we were done, we went to our spot. The girls came over for their quick pets. I got the laser light out and it was a race for who could get at it first! The tag teamed chasing after it for awhile. That was funny. I got the mouse out and Navi did her flips and jumps. Noell laid down by the couch to watch. She did join in a few times. Before I left, I filled a couple of their treat toys up. Navi had to help, do I gave her a couple.