Coco and Puff must have had a good night's sleep because they didn't hear me when I unlocked the door this morning. As soon as I said "good morning", I was welcomed with barks! They both sat down before running out from their room into the living room to say hello! I grabbed the leashes and we headed outside for a morning walk! There were no ducks to say hello to today as we walked around the pond. The neighbor dogs said hello to the girls! After we finished with our stroll and potty break, it was back inside for breakfast. Each took a turn at the water dish after they ate all their morning meal. Then it was time to chase each other around the living room, once and a while, stopping to say hi to me! I took the brush out and gave each a short brushing before I left for the morning. Have a great day, girls! Tonight the girls welcomed me with their happy barks, then sat for me so we could go outside. I think Puff is learning naughty habits from her sister! This time she chewed Coco's collar off! I picked up all the pieces I found and put them in the trash. The girls came in and had their dinner. Afterwards, they chased each other around and around. They would take a detour to come see what I was up to, then it was back to wrestling! Puff thought it was time to play with her rope toy, so she went to her basket and brought it out. Then Coco wanted one! They got out another and another until they had six rope toys out to play with! They zoomed around all over the place and eventually tired themselves out for bedtime. Puff did her little cowering in the corner when it was time to go to bed, but with a little coaxing she went. See you tomorrow!
"When is my family coming home? We miss you"
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