Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Waldo, Otis & Mabel

Today I came in and Waldo was first to greet me, as usual! He was quite talkative today, telling me all about what they've been up to. Haha. He pawed at the counter, letting me know he was ready to eat. Otis came by the kitchen once he heard me opening cans, then made his way through the living room. He waited until the plates got set down before venturing in to eat. Mabel was in her spot on the bed, watching me cautiously. I cleaned their box quick, then went to go say hi to her. She hopped down and made a break down the hall to go hide in one of the other rooms. The boys had snacked on their food and were now ready to play. I had both of them chasing after the butterfly toy for awhile today.


Today I came in and spotted Oscar doing a great big stretch in the living room. He trotted over to say hi when he was done, then we went out back. Oscar wanted a few more pets and heiny scratches before he wandered off. He sniffed around the yard for a little bit, then found a spot to relax in the shade. He had lots of wildlife entertainment this afternoon! Haha. Oscar lounged and watched the moos grazing nearby. A couple birds came and had a little argument on the fence. Then later, I saw Oscar had his sight locked on a squirrel that was sitting on the top rail of the fence. I told him to go get it and he got up and moved to where he could see better. He curled up and watched some more. Later on, another squirrel came and they were chasing each other. That got Oscar racing after them as they shot straight up a tree! He stood up against the tree and whined for a minute. He would keep walking away, then would turn around and stare at the tree. Maybe he was hoping they'd come down since he was further away? Haha.

Bella & Zoe

This morning it was beautiful outside already! I let the girls out right away. The grass was a little dewey, so they got some wet tootsies walking around out there. Haha. Bella came and sat by me for her morning pets, while Zoe was busy exploring. Bella wandered out after awhile too, and checked things out. Both girls lounged on the patio until we headed inside for breakfast. I got them their last egg, which they were excited for! They ate well for me. This afternoon was still incredibly nice out. I let the ladies out for their potty break, while I got them some new rawhides to work on. They laid in the grass to work on them. I love how they have to lay right by each other. Haha! Bella got some sunbathing in the rest of the time. This evening the girls got up to wait for me by the gate when I came in. I opened the door and they zoomed outside. Such an awesome day today! We spent our last visit hanging out in the backyard again to enjoy the weather. Zoe was busy on patrol, roaming back and forth along the fence. Bella had fun rolling around in the grass. She had both her ears flipped back when she sat up! I couldn't get the camera out quick enough. Haha. She lounged in the grass and watched the people out in the neighborhood. When it was time, we went inside and I got them their dinner and a couple bedtime snacks.

Rusty & Ruby

This morning was beautiful outside. I let the pups out for their potty break. They came back in for breakfast and worked on that while I went to see Salem. She meowed away at me while I pet her. Rusty came in to show me that he had his purple ball and was ready to play! I followed him out after I fed the turtles quick. Rusty and I got a good game in, while Ruby was busy exploring. This afternoon the pups came outside when I arrived. Rusty forgot his ball, so he wandered around and explored a bit. Ruby rolled around in the grass and got a little sunbathing in. I kept on her to do her business, but she had to find just the perfect spot. While she did that, I fed one of the big kids some leaves, since they were right over by me. That was fun. Rusty had ventured inside by now. I thought maybe he was getting his ball, but he didn't come back out. After Ruby did her business, she and I sat on the patio and she enjoyed some pets. I went in to see what Rusty was up to. He wasn't in his usual chair. I found him in the bedroom, snuggled up in his doggy bed. Salem was napping on mom and dad's bed. This evening I came in and Ruby was already waiting for me at her bowl. I fed the pups quick. Once they finished, they came out and did their thing while I fed the others. Rusty was searching around for his ball. I found the newer red one and we played a short game. He just wasn't satisfied with that ball though. I went in and helped him look for the other ones, but I couldn't figure out where he put it. Maybe in the morning!