This afternoon I let the kiddos outside. They didn't stay out real long, not wanting to be in the cold. We came inside for awhile. Buddy worked on some lunch while Jimmy played fetch. Sugar nibbled on a little food too, then went to chew on a bone. I let them each out once more before I left. This evening everyone went out and they stayed out for a little bit. Buddy was first to come in. After they got their meds and potatoes, Jimmy and Sugar went back out to play a little. Buddy was busy working on his dinner. Once they came in, Jimmy snuggled up with me a bit. Buddy curled up with a bone on his bed by the fireplace. Jimmy was being a little booger tonight! He kept teasing Buddy, trying to go after his bone. So Buddy would growl at him, then pick up and move somewhere else. Later, all the pups went back outside again before bed.