This morning the house felt like it had cooled off some overnight. I let all the kiddos outside and opened up some windows to try & cool it down some more. I got Louie ' s breakfast ready and had the other two come inside so he could eat. He nibbled on some of it, but wasn't super interested. I gave him extra time and tried to get him to eat more, but he wandered off instead. I put it up for now. Bella and Chico were happy to get outside and play. They worked on some breakfast just before I left. This afternoon I gave Louie another shot at his food. This time he just about finished it all. I let the other two back outside once he was done. Chico kept trying to hop into my lap to snuggle. Bella ate more of her food, then was busy exploring. This evening Bella and Chico ran inside when I opened the door. They laid in the kitchen while I got Louie ' s dinner ready. He scarfed that down pretty quick this evening. I let the pups all run around outside for awhile after he was done. When it was time, I tucked them all in their beds and got them their peanut butter snacks.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Wyatt, Sarah & the kitties
This evening I spotted Shadow as I walked in the door. He quickly disappeared when he saw me! Bandit was lounging on the kitty tower in the living room. I let the pups in, while I got them their dinners. They both followed along wherever I went. Wyatt, of course, polished his bowl off pretty quick. Sarah wasn't too far behind him though. I got them each a cookie once they were done. I made sure all the kitties had plenty of food and water. Amber was lounging on a chair in the office, and just watched as I went to refill her bowls. I checked on the dog's water buckets and got Shadow a fresh glass of ice water for the night. Sarah wasn't too thrilled about going back outside for me, but she did go like a good girl. She sat and complained at the back door though!
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening Oreo was running down the stairs, while Stuffy was already sitting in the dining room. Oreo met me in the kitchen, ready to eat. The boys were both sitting in the living room, staring at me as I walked in. Haha! Oreo laid on one side of me, while Stuffy laid on the other. They kept me busy giving them both chin scratches and pets, while they purred away. The boys loved up every minute. They will be happy to have mom and dad home soon!