Friday, October 9, 2015

Hudson, Zel, Gabbie & Blackie

This evening I could hear everyone inside while I went to grab the mail. Blackie met me at the door. Boy, was he sure excited! He was galloping around happily, silly boy. I let the little ones out and they all raced to the door. Zel went to go grab a drink before she came out. The kiddos all did their business, then it was time to head in for dinner. Blackie was very happy that it was time to eat! He was still galloping around the house. That made me laugh! Everyone licked their dishes clean. Then, it was time to go back out to play. The little ones disappeared off into the darkness to go explore. The girls came back shortly after and hung out on the patio, ready to go in at any time. Blackie hung around by me to get his pets. When it was time for bed, we all headed inside for the night.


This afternoon I came in and spotted Oscar in the living room doing a big stretch. It had been raining this morning, but stopped by the time I came to see him. We made our way out back. Oscar roamed around awhile to do some exploring. After that, he found a spot to curl up and relax on the patio, enjoying the nice cool air outside. When a delivery truck went by out front, Oscar got up and ran over to go bark at it. When it was time to go in, Oscar did his tricks for me so he could get his treat.

Roxy & Sophie

It was raining out this morning when I came to see the girls. They were both snoozing soundly all cozy in their house out back. As soon as they heard the door, they both came scrambling out as quickly as they could! They came in and said hi, then we all snuggled up on the couch for awhile. The girls both got some attention time. Roxy eventually went over to lay in her chair. It wasn't long before they were both napping! It was a good rainy day for that though! Sophie stayed by me, getting her belly rubbed while she snoozed. Soon, it was time to head out and get their snacks.

Daisy & Sophie

This morning it was raining out when I arrived. Sophie came down from upstairs when she heard someone was home. Daisy lined up at the gate and told me she was ready for her yummy snack. I got food ready for both girls and scooped both of their boxes. While Daisy ate, Sophie and I had some playtime. I got one of her feather toys down. She had a blast chasing and rolling around with it. She's so silly!


This morning Noell was standing by the laundry room already, just waiting for me! Haha. She started talking to me right away. Miss Noell led the way to her room. I got her bowl and we went to get her food for her. Noell ate a bit while I scooped her box. In the living room, we went to our spot to play. She wasn't much interested in her fishy today. She was more worried about getting lots of pets and chin rubs! Later on, I got out her laser light and she had fun chasing that around. She made me laugh when she'd go sit and hide behind the tree in the living room. She'd poke her head up from back there to spot the red dot. Haha!