This evening, I came by a bit later than I usually do. So tonight, both boys came wandering in the dining room to come say hi! Oreo followed me to the kitchen, while Stuffy wandered elsewhere. I got them their snack, then tended to their box. I turned the fireplace on tonight since it was a bit more chilly out today. The boys both came over to visit me for awhile. Oreo enjoyed his chin scratches. Stuffy got cozy by the fire and let me pet him. After a little while, the boys both wandered off to eat.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Sadi & Noell
This morning I heard Noell jingling down the hall. She heard me coming in and met me in the living room. She started meowing at me right away! Haha. Sadi was up and getting a drink this morning. I got her nose cleaned up and gave her her meds. Noell was being a crazy little kitty! She was jumping in the bathtub, hopping out and racing around being silly. She laid on the floor in the kitchen while I got their food ready and poked her head around the corner of the cabinets to see what I was up to. She went to town on her breakfast. Miss Sadi loved up her chin scratches while she was busy. Since Noell had some energy this morning, I had her chase her little red dot around the house. Haha! This evening, Noell made her way to the kitchen to meet me. She raced along ahead of me, and when I got there, she was sitting patiently by her bowl. Sadi was up this evening, just sitting in her room. I cleaned up her nose, then got Noell more food. I added some water to Sadi's since she had enough left tonight.
Today I heard Oscar shake when I walked in. He was in the hallway, doing a stretch as he was coming to greet me. When he saw me, he turned right around and headed for the back door. Silly boy! Haha. We went out back where he stopped to say hi to me and get his pets. Oscar was busy wandering around for a bit. I grabbed his frisbee and tried to get him to play again. It wasn't looking hopeful at first, but then he finally raced me for it. Yay! He and I played until he got bored with that. Then, he was ready to sunbathe. The sun was nice and warm today.