Today I opened the door and saw both boys right away! They were doing a little sunbathing in the entryway. Oreo immediately hopped right up and started making his way to the kitchen. Stuffy stayed put. Oreo sat and waited patiently for me to get his dinner ready for him. I took care of their box quick and went to sit at our spot. Oreo came to visit me, but didn't stay long at all. I got up to see what he was up to, and found he had returned to his sunny area. Oreo was hogging most of the sunny spot of course! Haha. I sat with the boys there to give them some pets.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Sadi & Noell
This morning Noell met me in the living room. She turned around and ran for her spot when she knew I was headed her way. Sadi was up and wandering around their room. I picked up quick, then it was time for her meds. Noell joined me in the kitchen to get breakfast ready. She was wandering in and out to the dining room to rub against the chair legs and meow at me. She ran along ahead while I took their food to their room. Both girls went to work for me. After that, they both enjoyed some pets and chin scratches. Noell's motor was running loudly! She then crawled under the hanging clothes and peered out at me. Goofy girl! This evening, Noell was doing a big stretch again as she got up from her nap. Sadi was snoozing away in the tent bed. I got her up and cleaned off her nose. It was looking pretty good tonight. Sadi began to eat some food while I added water to her other dish and got Noell her dinner. Noell went to town as soon as hers was delivered.